The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, addressed the Y4D New India Conclave in New Delhi yesterday. He said the nation is today passing through a period of transformation. Asserting that India is today the fastest growing economy in the world, the Prime Minister said that as per an international report, poverty is declining in India at a record pace. He said that while the Government can only play the role of an enabler, it is the youth, who are not only making use of available opportunities, but also creating new ones themselves.
Just like the aspirations and power of the youth, India is doing big, transformative things, the Prime Minister said. In this context he gave examples such as 3 crore children having been vaccinated; 1.75 lakh kilometres of rural roads built in the last 4 years; electricity reaching every single village; 85 lakh homes electrified since October 2017; 4.65 crore gas connections reaching the poor; and more than 1 crore homes being built for the poor in the last 4 years. He said these big numbers are possible because of the 800 million people of India under the age of 35.
The Prime Minister said that silos are now being replaced by an emphasis on solutions. He said that focus is on understanding the needs of the nation, and making the lives of the people simpler. He explained how schemes and initiatives of the Government such as Bharatmala, Sagarmala, Mudra, Standup India, and Ayushman Bharat are designed to meet various needs of the country. He added that the Government is giving a lot of importance to innovation and research.
The Prime Minister asserted that youth are driving the growth in digital payments. He said that the energy and courage of youth had played an important role in the country’s freedom struggle. He added that the same role would be played by the youth of today’s generation for New India. He described New India is a place where processes drive progress, instead of people influencing processes.
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